Mission Supports

Charity Missions Around the World


Gospel for Tribals Social Services Society (GTSSS) 

H.No. 5-59, Peddathanda, Khammam Rural, Khammam- 507003, Telangana State, India 

Phone: 918742 242666: Mobile: +91 9492 721 363; email: [email protected]; website www.gtsss.org 

Contact: Bishop M. Jacob 

To support Bishop M. Jacob's Mission GTSSS in India

You can send a check or money order and write in memo 620 GFT then mail

Christian Aid Mission

P.O. Box 9037

Charlottesville, VA 22906

Call 1800-977-5650 www.christianaid.org 

email: [email protected] 

[email protected] 


Pastor Sharmim Qaiser

Chairman and founder VOHSM

Voice of the Holy Spirit Ministries of Pakistan 

IG: Pastor_shami_qaiser 


Dominican Republic

Foundacion Hogar La Esperanza de un Nino. 

Fhedun, Altagracia No. 80 Esquina Isabel de Torres, Monte Cristi, Dominican, Republic

Tel: 809-733-0096 email: [email protected]